OCZ Revodrive SSD 120GB PCI-E – Film 04 von 14 – Leistungsindex vorher
OCZ Revodrive SSD 120GB PCI-E einbau in ein ASUS P5WDH Deluxe Mainboard.
Video Rating: 2 / 5
OCZ Revodrive SSD 120GB PCI-E einbau in ein ASUS P5WDH Deluxe Mainboard.
Video Rating: 2 / 5
Kategorien: SSD Videos Schlagwörter: 120GB, Film, Leistungsindex, PCIe, Revodrive, vorher
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Helo 1981z28camaro this Video shows the index bevor i changed to ssd. The Index with the SSD as bootdrive is was at 7.9. I will make the Video 14 of 14 that will show it, but my SSD System is aktually not in service. When the System is again in order i will complete the video.
and somethings wrong, you should be getting like 7.0 or higher with your SSD for your performance score.. I have a HIGHER score for my Hard drive, and I’m just using a 7200 rpm Caviar Black HD, so you need to fix that.
I hate using the Maximizing/Minimizing Animation, just looks like the window is loading slow, especially if you have an SSD, the whole point is to make things faster, and it doesn’t matter if you had a SSD that was 20 times faster than this, it’s still not going to load a window any faster than the time it takes for the animation.