@eeeeeeee99eeeeeeee funny you say that. I ordered the Thinkpad caps for mine and just went to the university package room to pick them up. Nice timing!
Mit Solid State Drives beschäftige ich mich seit über 2 Jahren. Damals habe ich mein altes Notebook, ein MacBook pro, aufgerüstet. Dank der SSD Technologie mit erstaunlichem Erfolg.
Ich hoffe, daß diese Seite Euch hilft, die passende Solid State Disk zu finden. Viel Spass damit !
@Lenzo10 what’s matter is the SSD drive 🙂 if you have an SSD then you have a problem , if not it’s normal to boot slower
i have this laptop and how did you get it to boot that fast. I have the exact version.
nice, thanks for this video.
Holy Cheese balls, I want the left laptop! My Dad has it, but I need it more than him!
@eeeeeeee99eeeeeeee funny you say that. I ordered the Thinkpad caps for mine and just went to the university package room to pick them up. Nice timing!
@thatBMWkid looks cooler too.
@thatBMWkid yeah, I’ve read those are used for engineers and photographers who need slow accurate mouses on the move
@iLoGiiKzv0 It’s a ThinkPad trackstick cover. I’ve read that swapping the covers makes the HPs trackstick more accurate.
why does the one on the left have a red mouse on the middle, is that customizable when buying?