Arch Linux + Eeepc 901 + openbox + ssd = 7 seconds boot
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@heaheaheaa You could also use a preconfigured Arch Setup. Google „Arch Bang“ this gives you Arch with a Desktop pre installed but this kind of defeats the purpose of Arch Linux.
@heaheaheaa The installer is still the same and will be forever, because this makes it possible to select all the packages that you want and configure everything to your needs. That’s what arch linux is all about. If you want a Linux Distro that is easy to install go for Ubuntu.
@tjpld its so complicated! i have tried it before and because i have not my own internet but using my neighboors Wi-FI all the time makes it only just harder,what i wantec to ask you is if they made an easier instellator for the newest version that came out a few months ago??
@heaheaheaa Just go to archlinux(dot)org -> Wiki and follow the Beginners Guide. It’s acutally a step by step process.
@tjpld Acutally I just found where to by them after 1 second of googleing. 🙂 Already ordered mine.
@tjpld i have try to install arch linux before but not sucseed, is it easier with the new version to install now?
@heaheaheaa The „Powered by Arch Linux“ Sticker. Mine has still „Windows Vista“ on it altough it is runnnig Arch. Problem is, there are 4 stickers on my laptop aranged in a rectangle if i remove one it looks stupid.
@tjpld what sticker?
I want that sticker!