Apple Macbook Pro i7 2010 17 inch 128 SSD 8 GB RAM fan noise howling hissing lüftergeräusch test
so… i am very content with my new mid2010 macbook pro …. very fast ….. the only thing thats annoying is this repeating noise coming from the fans…. for me it sounds a bit like ….howling…..abrading …..not sure how to describe it. its a repeating, unsteady noise. it wasn’t there in the beginning, it started more or less 8 – 12 days after purchasing the macbook. sounds like one of the fans is not right balanced. in the beginning the macbook was nearly completely quiet …. and if there is a bit „natural ambient noise“ its ok. but in a quiet room, like in a library or at home … it makes my ears crazy. as you can see in the istat widget, the fans are running normal with around 2000 rpm, temp is normal too, no program running except final cut recording. i guess i try to contact a apple shop asking them to exchange the fans. mein macbook macht komische, heulende geräusche. ich nehme mal an, dass es einer der lüfter ist. am anfang war er komplett leise, aber nach etwa anderthalb Wochen fing er an mit diesem unregelmässigen, heulenden Geräusch. es ist nicht wirklich laut, aber an einem ruhigen ort, wie in eine Bibliothek oder zu hause ist es echt nervend.
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Yeah, I have the 13′ Mid 2010 model, and just got it back from the Apple Store because they had to replace the fan. Mine was really loud. I was afraid it was going to fry the processor.
du kannst mal „smcfancontrol“ versuchen und damit die lüftergeschwindigkeit ändern?
I had a similar problem with mine. noisy fan. It would come and go, but this was after owning my umbp for about year. sometimes dirt and dust get caught in the fans causing them to wobble, creating a sound or irritating hum. I used an air duster and a Qtip and took out a huge dust ball from the fans but the noise persisted. The noise just went away one day completly.
on a side note from the looks of the shotgun mic and fcp you’re a film/broadcasting/videographer. Hows the SSD with FCP going?
how did it go? Did they exchange the fans? I have the i5 15″ with the same noise!
It took me forever to figure out that the wand looking thing was a mic XD
Hey I have the same model too but with standard Hard drive at 7200rpm and 15.4 inch display. So, what’s your MBP’s normal temperature?
I’m getting something like 45 degree Celsius. Is it fine or should be lower?
This is excactly the one I will buy! 17″ i7 8gb 128 SSD 😀
Is it good? SSD are not supposed to make any noise, you should get it checked by apple.